Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Kitchen Remodel: Part III

Not much going on here except a view from the "lounge" into the backyard. As you can see we are still waiting on the finish work to begin.

Pretty yellow walls. Ugly vertical blinds
Our bright and sunny bar/kitchen

I sooo wish laying tile was as easy as pointing at the floor, whispering a few magic spell words and having it all just be done. "FLOORUS DO-IS YOURSEULFUS" Here we have laid out our test pattern on the floor.

Hmmm... 2008, A House Oddesy?

Bob mixing thinset. Wow that stuff is awful. Very hard on the skin. "Now I'll never be a teen hand model."

A pretty straight and level patch . Note the cool running pattern we went with to break up typical tile square pattern. A quarter of the job well done at this point.

Looks like a good stopping point for the night. Sweet dreams tile. I love you.

Not exactally sure what's going on here. It kind of looks like Bob is trying to light ants on fire with a magnifying glass. Die Ants Die!

After Bob's tile meltdown, Norm put the thinset on her back and litterally tiled the rest of the kitchen all by herself. What a trouper! MALIBU!

Finally the tile is laid, grouted, cleaned and polished. Check out the awesome cabinets and layout we've got going on. The kitchen that seems so big for so long now doens't seem quite big enough. But we left a ton of room around the island for walking and menuvering past each . It will be a sad day when we are both trying to occupy the same spot at the same time as we designed to prevent against that.